Friday, January 16, 2009

Darby's Sadistic PE Class

Darby, my beautiful and brilliant daughter, is not so beautiful and brilliant when it comes to PE class. Team sports are challenging for her. While she knows what to do with softball and basketball, and can perform on a minimum scale, there are the sports that challenge her. Soccer is unbearable, dodge ball is pretty horrid, but now there is a new sport for her to dread - lacrosse. Imagine being in her situation, where your favorite thing in the world is reading and messing around on the computer, making crafts and learning music. Now introduce the world of lacrosse, where aggressive 10 years olds are hurling a ball with giant sticks and running around, trying to annihilate the lesser players. This sport has to be worse than dodge ball, even. I just pray that she survives this PE unit...

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