Tuesday, October 21, 2008

She Cooks, She Sweeps, She Spells

My little RockStar is quite a girl. She has always been interested in cooking, which means I have an unavoidable companion in the kitchen. Roxy and Darby made me an edible breakfast on Saturday morning, which was all Roxy's plan. And when Roxy gets bored, she goes out and sweeps the porch. If she is still looking for something to do (aka Daddy is not home from work yet), she sweeps the driveway. Her huge pile, pictured here, was impressive. It freaked out her Daddy who thought it was a large, furry dead animal lying dead in the driveway. He got home from an elder's meeting at 10:30, so no wonder he was confused. Lastly, Roxy has developed a fondness for playing hangman. Her list of words that she can read is four times as long as the list of words she can spell. Hangman is generally played by her with words that are one or two letters long. Which makes for an adorable game with a six year old. Roxy, you rock.
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1 comment:

  1. Roxy, please come and sweep my porch. I need a good helper like you. Love you!!
