Saturday, November 1, 2008

It's a Craig's List Miracle!

About an hour ago, my husband decided to post some of our unused items on the "Free" section of Craig's List, an internet portal that allows average joe type people to sell their stuff regionally. Our unused items were not treasures, just functional, unneeded pieces of furniture: two overused green swivel rockers, two overused wooden chairs, and a set of plastic stairs meant for an above-ground pool. Most of these items were left in the basement of the house we purchased while living halfway across the country. We never wanted them in the first place! But how to get rid of them without hauling them off to the county dump an hour away...hmm. Craig's List.

It only took an hour and the stuff was gone, including the goofy pool stairs. I am in awe at the human being that is willing to make my trash his treasure. I am a little worried about him, too. Job well done, Scottie. Now you can park in the other side of the garage!

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