It's time to tell a story on Scott, because I have been enjoying this unfolding drama this week from my front row seat in our piano room.
My husband is a dedicated bird feeder. He has always found ways to welcome birds to our yard, no matter where we live. Bird houses, bird feeders, etc. He loves to fill his bird feeders and he will check on them every day. We have tons of birds in our backyard and we love watching them.
But squirrels are another issue. Our squirrels are quite crafty and kind of crazy. I think they are like the ones on the car insurance commercials that try to get humans to harm themselves - they are trying to outsmart Scott. They defy death daily by scaling the house and flinging themselves onto Scott's bird feeders that Scott has tried to squirrel-proof. And the squirrels continue to find ways to beat Scott, outsmarting all of Scott's devices and guards that should prevent the squirrels from eating the birdseed.
We hit a new low earlier this week when the squirrels outwitted Scott's bird feeding device (again) and Scott ran out the back door, hurling Darby's tennis shoes at the squirrels as they scampered up the pine trees in the back yard. I think it's time to buy Scott a BB gun so he can just relax, take aim, and fire.
Scott found some humor in this whole scenario last night when we took the girls to see "Up." The movie includes a pack of trained dogs that are constantly driven crazy by squirrels. One adorable dog is telling a joke he know about a squirrel that does not gather acorns for winter, and then dies. The joke, completely not funny, is ended with a comment by the dog saying that, "This joke is funny because the squirrel is dead!" Scott laughs, not an out-loud laugh but a private, more evil laugh. Yes, I do believe it is time for Scott to get even with the squirrels...
Poor Scott...
ReplyDeleteI can just see him thinking of his next plan.