Friday, July 24, 2009

The Wii World of Darby Crossing

My daughters were wanting a new Wii game. They put together their allowance and bought Animal Crossing, a virtual world game where you live and relate to other creatures/people. I noticed some patterns of behavior with my daughters playing this game:

1. Darby always has the lead and Roxy does not fight for it. Roxy is perfectly happy playing with her toys in the same room as Darby. Darby also convinced Roxy to contribute to the game, seeing as how she was a little short on the cash, and Roxy happily complied. The leverage of the big sister, the willingness to please in the little sister - I wonder if it will always be this way?

2. Darby explores technology differently than Roxy. Darby just tries things at random that make no sense, but it leads to interesting developments. Roxy does not want to do one thing unless she knows it is the right thing to do, and then she only is mimicking Darby.

3. Darby convinced Roxy that accepting a job (given to them upon login) was a bad thing because they would not want to be required to always doing the same thing everyday by the Animal Crossing clock. So Darby is jobless and practically homeless. They can hardly make their rent payment. Darby wanders around with a shovel she found, digging in the ground, hoping to find a fossil to pawn off at the local shop. Then she bought a fishing pole and tries to catch fish to sell to the store. She also takes in someone's old stuff that they are cleaning out of their houses, since she has no job and no money for furniture. It makes me vagrancy and day labor the logical move for Darby? She doesn't bother going to town because she has no money to use there. She is the equivalent of one of those Montana ski bums I saw in Bozeman, living in a tent and wandering around.

I am curious about the day when Roxy no longer caters to Darby and when Darby will see that she actually needs a job that will allow her to progress instead of wander.

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