Last night, just out of curiousity, Scott and I started entering addresses in Google - all of our old addresses. We have lots of them now. And the amazing thing is - we remember all of our old addresses. I can't remember the phone numbers, I can't remember the zip codes, but I do know where I have lived.
It turns out that our old place in Houston has been put back on the market again, because the picture showed a realtor sign that was not one of the two we used to get that stupid house sold. Of the three different houses we lived in in OK, only one of them can be seen using the 360 degree street view picture. And, unfortunately, it was taken following a huge ice storm when we lost a ton of tree branches and they are all piled up by the curb for big trash day.
Scott's hometown in Montana has a picture of the Grand Hotel on McLeod St., and that's about it. Scott has so many previous addresses, he has blocked out most of them. He refuses to recall living that year in Nebraska.
We looked up famous addresses, too. It is kind of impressive that you can open up a directory, find an address, and see the actual lay of the land. Hopefully there are no privacy issues or anything creepy to contend with - I promise not to look up you if you promise not to look up me.
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