How many stereotypes can one mom confirm in one day?
I did my best. I made breakfast for children and sent them off to school, including one packed lunch. I fixed everyone's hair. I watched part of the Today show, waiting for a report about the amount of sodium and sugar in kid's diets. I clipped a mountain of coupons and put them into my coupon binder, completed a grocery shopping list, then highlighted various sale items from the grocery store flier. Cardio workout for 40 minutes, then weighed in because I am an overweight mom needing to drop a few. Cleaned up and styled my mom hair (curly today.) Volunteered at the kid's school. Went to grocery store and saved $75 on my final bill, while chatting with all the other ladies mommin' it and couponing at the grocery store. Picked up kid at school from the carpool line. Cleaned up my kitchen. Had a mom snack since I skipped lunch. Went on Facebook to read about all the other gals mommin' it in the world. And now I post to my mom blog, thinking about how much I can get done tomorrow, what I will cook for dinner tonight, and whether or not I can go one more day without doing yet another load of laundry.
There are some things that cannot be denied - I am definitely a mom. No minivan, no diaper bag, no mom jeans, but I can fully inhabit this role nonetheless. Now it's time to iron my husband's shirts...
I hope you iron in heals and pearls like I do :)