I never wanted to be a hoarder. The people on TV are much worse off than me. I hope I am not a hoarder. But sometimes I wonder...
I am married to an incredibly neat man. So, every small little stack of eight envelopes feels like I am backsliding. But when my stack of mail is ONLY eight envelopes, I feel like I am on top of things.
My issues get more complicated because of my responsibilities. I pay bills, so I am responsible for all the paperwork in this house. I am a coupon mom, so I have even more stacks of coupons, fliers, and internet printouts to add to the inbox. And, guess who is responsible for the taxes? Yep. So, for the past few days it appears that I am a hoarder. Piles upon piles of papers and stubs and coupons and bills, yet I still cannot find how much ad valorem I paid for our 1996 Ford Explorer last year (although I think it was about $35 or $36 dollars.)
These are the days that try men's souls, or my husband's soul.
I also hoard TV shows on my DVR. And I am coming to terms with this issue right now, because we switched our cable service provider today and every Big Bang Theory, every Community, every Loony Toons is a goner. My movies that I intend to watch someday (in the next six months) are no longer accessible. Plus, all the TV station numbers changed, so I will have to come to grips with that problem as well.
But good news for me! As I was entering in every last login on my taxes this morning, the new cable/internet/phone installer let me know that he has seen much worse.
And because I am so happy to have my taxes completed on time, I will choose to believe his comment. I am not a hoarder...yet.
and notice that your very neat husband didn't say anything about the stacks . . . yet.