My hubs was in Montana this week and accidentally ended up in a photo. Believe me, it could not have been on purpose because he avoids cameras like they are the plague.
I see various things when I see this photo. I see my hubs, or my husband. I see the father of my girls. I see 16 years of marriage.
But I am posting it because I see gray hair. I am graying as well, and I am happy to have a hubs that is graying with me. This rare photo is the first in my recollection where the gray is obvious to the casual observer. My gray hair is obvious to the professional hair stylist, the makeup artist at the Clinique counter who looks at you under those horrific lights that show every hair and pore magnified 1000 percent, and my gray hair is obvious to those who choose to observe me closely in a mirror. But the photo of my gray hair does not exist (yet.) I know it will, and I hope that when I post it, it will only bring a smile to the faces that gaze upon it, like the smile I have on mine when I see his gray hair. Be proud of your gray, babe. You are my silver lining :)
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