Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Say Hello/Goodbye to the Dog

Introducing our newly departed family pet - Biscuits Johanson, a rescue Shih Tzu that was fully potty trained, not a picky eater, took little naps at your feet, loved to walk, practically never barked, loved to play ball, never shed a hair, and fulfilled Roxy's dreams of owning a dog.

For about a week, I should say.

The dog was a good dog, would stay in his kennel when needed, and absolutely loved our Alpha Male, Scott.  Scott would have preferred a less prissy-type dog, but oh well.  Roxy chose Biscuits, the entire family approved, but after three days Roxy just could not cope with having a dog in the house.  This dog is a true companion and loved having people around, but suddenly the role of owner because a little difficult for the Rock Star.  It was her dog, her responsibility, but her fears and sensory issues won out in the battle of Child versus Dog.  Roxy did not like the dog rubbing against her legs, she didn't know how to react when the dog got excited, and she never got comfortable picking up the dog and grooming the dog.  Too much fear.

Scott and I kept our commitment to her and we got her a dog.  We were good dutiful parents.  And now, Biscuits is happily back a resident of the "Hotel for Dogs" in Atlanta.  And we got a refund.  Whew!

1 comment:

  1. Now that is some consistent parenting. I totally admire you. If she wants a nasty, shots 5 years overdue, huge, shedding beast she can have Ringo.
