Friday, December 21, 2007

Guess what I'm doing in my fuzzy red slippers?

Without really thinking about, I created this blog this morning. I have about 100 other things I should be doing, but hey, it's Christmas, and what better way to share pieces of somewhat useless information than start a blog today.

Today is the last day of school for the year and the girls could not be more excited about that one. They mostly feel okay about school, but they are really looking forward to getting lots of presents now. Here is the latest portrait of the girls from last week's ice storm. Our Christmas card was a different picture, which Scott preferred, but I like the baby icicle that Roxy chose. Darby and Roxy spent at least an hour knocking out icicles on Monday of last week. Snow days brought out the best in my girls - they did not fuss or argue at all. We loved it!

1 comment:

  1. Sheree.
    I just saw you on here! I've recently started blogging again! I will add you. Hope you guys are staying warm tonight!
